Day 5 - Summer Learning and Fun!

I have to start by saying that I really appreciate teachers, I am so thankful for them. It is really hard to have a lesson plan and actually follow it. I have to tell you that I am trying to do it for 5 days and I am about to give up (BUT I WON'T). Today they woke up at 10:00 am by 10:45 am their teeth and faces were clean and tummy fed. We watched ABC and 123 story time with Elmo.

Gordo practiced the letters ABCD abcd and the numbers 1234, Rebecca decided to work on her Spanish book today so no sentences or words today. By 12:00 pm they started playing with Play-Doh while I was checking my delicious boneless pork loin in my crock-pot (which by the way is the best invention ever!! I will start posting recipes pretty soon).

After they cleaned up, they got ready for lunch and they were in for a surprise... Papa Bear brought them Burger King!!!! They were not expecting it, because I didn't tell them that he was leaving the office early.  Big Boys didn't eat lunch with us, they went to eat pizza and then went to the pool with friends. By 1:30 pm, I was ready for a Nap but obviously they wanted to watch a movie so they watched Big Hero 6, they wanted to watch Moana, but after I saw BREAKING NEWS on my phone about the hospital shooting in the Bronx, New York, I had to see what was going on, so I gave them their iPads and turned on the local channel to see what happened. I was kind of depressed... another gun related crime, so annoyed. I prayed so hard for the victims and their family.

Now as I sit here writing to you and trying to figure out what deGrom uses in his hair (he got like the perfect curls!) I have to say I am very proud of myself and my little babies, we are doing this... we are having fun and learning, they are not overwhelmed, they are actually having fun and for that I am thankful. Now let's enjoy our 4 day weekend!!. Happy 4th of July!!.

With Love, Lowreley.

"If you educate a man, you simply educate an individual, but if you educate a woman, you educate a whole nation" - James Emman Kwegyir Aggrey


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