Day 2 - Summer of Learning and Fun

We started our Second Day a little later today because it is kind of cloudy and dark, and they didn't want to get up from bed.  So I let them rest until they were ready to wake up.  Our routine started at 10:00 am today.  Becky and Gordo woke up, brushed their teeth, washed their faces and ate Grits (they call it hanina). They went straight to the living room (they are getting used to the routine) and they watched a girl reading the book "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" on YouTube (awesome book). They loved that book, then they danced and sang to the ABC song. They also watched No Place for Zero again and danced to a number song.

Gordo wrote the big letters AB and the small letters ab, Rebecca wrote words with the letter A and B and also she wrote the number one and two. Since I want to them to learn Spanish I bought a book that I used in El Colegio Infantil Los Archies (my favorite school where I went for Pre-k, Kindergarten and First Grade) it is call "Nacho," it is a very instructive book and I bought it on eBay. I read the first page with Spanish vowels and Bekika wrote the words.

While they were working with playdoh today I put on the Spanish Numbers and Alphabet song and they enjoyed it. After they cleaned up, they sat down to watch "The monster by the end of the book," which is a great book by Sesame Street that they made into a cartoon.  As they watched the video, I started making lunch.

I made sure the boys didn't bring any friends to eat lunch today, since I am making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. The reason why is because a lot of children are allergic to peanut butter.  I can't even bring it to school for Gordo's snack. I did the allergy test and thank God none of my children are allergic. Brandon didn't eat lunch with us today because on Tuesdays and Thursdays he has extended Camp hours, but Danny joined us. Bekika and Nonny ate Ham and Cheese sandwiches with cold chocolate milk and Gordo ate Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich with apple juice. I decided to drink some coffee instead of my usual tea. NO NAP TIME TODAY! I guess because they woke up a little bit late, but I know for a fact they will go to bed tonight early.

It's done!!  Day 2 went smoothly.  Today I learned that if Gordo doesn't like something, doesn't matter what I do or say he won't do it and if he does it, he will complain about it the whole day. My son hates numbers and he doesn't want to write them, today I let it go but somehow I have to try to make him like it.

Thank you so much for reading I will be happy to answer any of your questions and I will read all your comments that I will must certainly reply. Also if you have any ideas or want me to blog about something of your interest, let me know.

With Love, Lowreley.

"If you educate a man, you simply educate an individual, but if you educate a woman, you educate a whole nation" - James Emman Kwegyir Aggrey


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